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A002 - Use Time Buffer

Time Buffer is extra time added to the shift start and end time. An employee's attendance is recorded within the buffer time which is used to calculate hours payable. Employees reporting outside of the buffer time can be penalized.

Rule Configurations

  1. Shift Buffer Before Start - Enter the buffer in minutes that is allowed before the shift start time:
    • For example, "Shift" start time 8:00AM with 15 minutes buffer.
    • Sign-in time between 7:45AM to 8:00AM will be 8:00AM.
    • Sign-in time before 7:45AM will be the actual sign-in time.
  2. Shift Buffer After Start - Enter the buffer in minutes that is allowed after the shift has started.
    • For example, "Shift" start time 8:00AM with 15 minutes buffer.
    • Sign-in time between 8:00AM to 8:15AM will be 8:00AM.
    • Sign-in time after 8:15AM will be the actual sign-in time.
  3. Shift Buffer 2 After Start -  Enter the second buffer in minutes that is allowed after the shift has started.
    • For example, "Shift" start time 8:00AM with 15 minutes first buffer and 15 minutes second buffer.
    • Sign-in time between 8:15AM to 8:30AM will be 8:30AM.
    • Sign-in time after 8:30AM will be the actual sign-in time.
  4. Shift Buffer 3 After Start -  Enter the third buffer in minutes that is allowed after the shift has started.
    • For example, "Shift" start time 8:00AM with 15 minutes first buffer, 15 minutes second buffer and 15 minutes third buffer.
    • Sign-in time between 8:30AM to 8:45AM will be 8:45AM.
    • Sign-in time after 8:45AM will be the actual sign-in time.
  5. Shift Buffer Before Finish - Enter the buffer in minutes that is allowed before the shift ends .
    • For example, "Shift" end time 5:00PM with 15 minutes buffer.
    • Sign-out time between 4:45PM to 5:00PM will be 5:00PM.
    • Sign-out time before 4:45PM will be the actual sign-out time.
  6. Shift Buffer After Finish - Enter the buffer in minutes that is allowed before the shift ends.
    • For example, "Shift" end time 5:00PM with 15 minutes buffer.
    • Sign-out time between 5:00PM to 5:15PM will be 5:00PM.
    • Sign-out time after 5:15PM will be the actual sign-out time.

Steps to update configuration

  1.  Click on the "Grey Arrow" next to the rule to expand into the details
  2. Click on the "Pencil Icon". This will open the edit form.
    1. Enter the buffer minutes
    2. Save. Click the "Floppy Icon".
  3. Enable the rule:
    1. Click on the "Pencil Icon"next to the rule code.
    2. Tick the "Active " checkbox.
    3. Save. Click the "Floppy Icon".